Thursday, 18 January 2018

Onwards to next module

I have not posted for a while as my time has been consumed with being the host to my family in the festive season and trying to get the information I needed clear in my head to complete some of the module one tasks and assignment. I can see that I have seriously underestimated the time needed to research, or am I simply spending too long reading and thinking and reflecting? I wish I knew and I also wish that I was more efficient at the process of research. Many avenues lead to other tangents and some times overall confusion. I find it difficult to decide what is worthy of my further attention and what I should disregard. Currently I am finding everything of interest but maybe not of significance. Time management has become an issue, especially as everyday life and in particular my business has started to "get in the way" of MAPP. Can I ask my fellow students on this journey, how they are fairing? those of you who were on module one this term, what has your experience been? Others on module two, (I am hoping you will reassure me) that it becomes at best manageable.

I have recently been reading a lot about various dance choreographers, as I am looking at an AOL on my choreographic journey. Having read Blood memory ( Martha Graham) some years ago I have attempted to re read with fresh eyes. My adoration for this lady has been rekindled, She talks about how she found herself professionally as her career and life evolved. She discusses all the influences she was lucky enough to meet and interact with; Her writings on choreographic methodology seems to encompass all her thoughts and being. On page 225 she talks about working with a composer and the guidelines she uses to achieve music which is "a setting for the dance". How lucky was she to have this luxury of music made for her works.She gives insight into her journey, by stating her thoughts and feelings and actions as they were when as a dancer she started to consider her choreographic ideas."I did exactly what Massine told me to do. I interpreted nothing of my own except some qualities of emotion" P.130. Martha Graham was reflecting and trying to make sense of her new progression, exactly where I feel I am reflecting on module one and hoping the progression will present its self to me.