Monday, 24 September 2018

Module three beginnings

I am already regretting that I haven't used my first week more carefully. I had a planned trip to Munich last weekend, and although I had been aware of this and the start up of module 3, I had not bargained for the disruption it would cause to the start up. So here I am on the back foot, I have read several of my peers blogs and see that they are finding re boot just as difficult.-this gives me some encouragement-the end is near, but its a long hard journey. On the positive side the Skype on 14th was extremely useful. Having spent weeks trying to catch up at the start of module one, as I had missed the induction( came late to course) I wish I had been advised on the unihub last year. Whilst it is still very confusing, I now feel I can find things. I have re read the module 3 handbook, sorted my time table for interviews and written my feedback to email to my advisor. I am of course writing my blog. So plenty of activity, but I cant help thinking I need to push forward at a quicker pace. I wonder if this says I am impatient? or that I am so full of ideas I want to explore before they are lost in the midst of everyday life? Whichever I hope it motivates me into further action. I am really looking forward to the research, my chosen area has very little direct research, but does touch on many issues including feminism- which I have never really study before now, have any of you any recommendations on literature here? Good luck everyone -please keep up the communication.