Monday, 9 October 2017

First discussion thoughts

As a new member of the MAPP, I was totally unaware of what to expect from my first involvement with the month Skype discussion. It seemed almost a little odd, not being able to see who I was talking to, but on the positive side they could not see me either. But once the introductions were over, and I had made a quick reference note of who was who and where they were in the course, I was able to listen and consider what I was hearing. Helen outlined the purpose of the discussion and the idea of community. The first topic posed seemed to be trying to get some clarity on how one evaluates truth, or at least what we believe to be truth: and further more how that truth that (perhaps is felt internally) is expressed through words. Generally a consensus was not reached on this (or did I miss it?) but a guidance was given to explore the broader picture, and deeper context by using reflective practice. The assumption being that jobs, achievements and experience to date can be used  to highlight what you don't know, and linked back to the knowledge we/I have within the arts, of which we all (discussion members) have very different backgrounds on which to draw.

The discussion also dealt briefly with Journal/diary use for the course, and the blog itself, all of which seem to be very inter related and used to allow freedom to think and reflect, to pose more questions than answers.

Discussion then centred around a concept which was named Frameworks. It was pointed out that we all work in frameworks, whether they are formalised or not, they do relate to theories, that have been academically proclaimed, and as such we need to identify these, and work with them. Frameworks can be as simple as storytelling, poetry, use of dance steps within choreography or a complicated lesson plan, allowing for all abilities to thrive and achieve in the same framework, but at different levels. Academics have given categorisation to  frameworks, and identification of the attributes and thought processes which enlighten these. Helen quoted the framework of pragmatism and phenomenology as the courses frame works, saying there was no single truth, but how we understand our knowledge depends on what we have experiences and learnt. I then questioned what my frame work was, and only concluded that I understood small frame works such as, the lesson plan, the scheme of work, the assessment criteria, the choreographic process, all frames or processes for my teaching in education and my dance life. I am quite unsure about how and when the large framework comes into my teaching of dance and into life generally, or am I missing the point here?

The end of the session was rounded up with a few words from each participant about frameworks. Comments regarding the approaches, structures and benefit of frameworks, the use of multiple frameworks and also that of confusion about frameworks were made. For my own part, I felt that frameworks have always been present in my life to a strong degree, just I was unaware of that labelling. I did feel I have come away with more questions than answers, which three days of reflection have helped to lessen a little.

This is my first ever blog on any subject, and annoyingly I am very concerned with being correct. Does this answer questions? Does this pose other questions? Does this relate to dance in any way? Feel free to comment.